Hindy Teichman MSEd, BCBA, LBA - All Children Learn


Hindy Teichman MSEd, BCBA, LBA


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Provider Category

Academic Instructor/TutorBoard Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)


Applied Behavior Therapy Autism


Address: Brooklyn, NY, USA

Provider Bio

At Social Trends ABA we pride ourselves on providing exceptional, individualized, ABA therapy and assessments to children with autism. Social Trends ABA is a boutique practice which fills a niche within the world of ABA by offering superior quality therapy and highly individualized treatment plans for each client. Founded by Hindy Teichman, MSEd, BCBA, LBA, expert in the field of ABA, with over 20 years experience working with special needs children. Social Trends ABA ensures that every child receives personalized attention. We provide the highest level of care and attention necessary for their development. This individualized approach allows us to tailor each client's program to their specific needs and ensure optimal outcomes.

Booking & Availability

Available for Services: Yes

Available for Assessment / Evaluation: Yes

Available to Testify: Yes

Do you participate in CSE/IEP Meetings: Yes

Home Visits: Yes

Office Visits: No

Virtual Visits: Yes


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