I don’t know where to start < BackDo you have a School District Evaluation? Yes No Request initial eligibility determination from district (CSE/IEP/PPT/Child Study Team) Download template*: Google Doc PDF Version Microsoft Word *This template is for informational purposes only; it is not legal advice. ACL encourages all parents to consult with a local special education attorney before submitting any documents to the district. State rules vary. RestartWere all areas of concern (suspected disability) tested? Reading Deficits Writing Deficits Math Deficits Vision Impairments Behavior Issues/Maladaptive Behaviors Fine Motor Deficits Sensory Processing Issues Gross Motor Deficits Speech/Language Impairments Auditory Processing Deficits Social Skills Deficits Executive Functioning Deficits Other (you know your child best!) Yes No Click here to find an advocate/attorney near you. RestartDid the findings sound like your child? Yes No Ask for an IEE (Independent Education Evaluation)Download template*: Microsoft Word PDF Version Google Doc *This template is for informational purposes only; it is not legal advice. ACL encourages all parents to consult with a local special education attorney before submitting any documents to the district. State rules vary. Search for a local Neuropsychologist here. RestartWere concrete meaningful recommendations made? Yes No Ask for an IEE (Independent Education Evaluation) Download request template: Microsoft Word PDF Version Google Doc Search for a local Neuropyschologist here. RestartAre all recommendations being implemented? Yes No Find a local advocate or attorney to help you get the free and appropriate services your child is entitled to. RestartAre you seeing measured results/improvements? Yes No Find a local advocate or attorney to help you get the free and appropriate services your child is entitled to. RestartHooray! It sounds like you're getting the supports needed. Restart